May There Be Peace Within

Powerlessness is difficult to accept. We want to fix, manage, and control other people and situations. Or at least have answers and assurance that everything will be okay. Well, if I have faith and trust in my higher power, then everything will be okay because it already is, right? Does this mean that anxiety equals a lack of trust and faith in my higher power? No, but it does mean I haven’t surrendered yet.

Anxiety is being uncomfortable with uncertainty. Peace and serenity are the opposite — being comfortable with uncertainty.

I pray to be comfortable with uncertainty. I can’t control what other people think of me, nor can I control their actions and decisions. If I have harmed or offended someone unintentionally, I hope to make amends, but I cannot control the outcome. I can only do my best, pray to know God’s will for me and the power to carry that out.

“Today may there be peace within.
May I trust that I am exactly where I am meant to be.
May I not forget the infinite possibilities
  that are born of faith in myself and others.
May I use the gifts that I have received and
  pass on the love that has been given to me.
May I be content with myself just the way I am.
Let this knowledge settle into my bones, and
allow my soul the freedom to dance, praise and love.
It is here for each and every one of us”

--Saint Theresa