How to Bring More Balance Into My Life

I need to regulate myself, to bring more balance into my life. You too? Except that I’ve joined a three-week writing marathon that has me creating a new piece and critiquing others’ submissions every day. Talk about a wallop to my equilibrium.

When I get obsessed about writing, regulation goes out the window. I don’t do my qi gong practice in the morning. I don’t meditate every day. I go straight to writing, and then stay up late and don’t sleep well.

But I have started eating regular meals three times a day and no snacking. That’s something and let me tell you it is hard. No more cheese, crackers, and wine to my heart’s content right before dinner. No more snacking on gluten-free fig newtons or gelato.

Weight of a guilty conscience

And no more feelings of guilt and self-put downs either, which is such a relief. I haven’t lost any weight, except the weight of a guilty conscience. And that is worth the change.

My posts here have been irregular for some time because I figure no one is reading this anyway. It’s just a place holder for when I publish that book someday. I was surprised there wasn’t a out there already, but glad I nabbed it.

That’s it. I have nothing else to say except:

May you find balance in your heart, soul, and mind, and may we be kind to one another and to ourselves.