Go with the Flow

After experiencing pain and suffering for many years, I now have joy and bliss. That is not to say I never feel sorrow or sadness anymore, or even anxiety and worry. I do. I feel it all, and that is the difference between now and my life in the past. (Just now, as I was writing, a bird flew right towards my open window and veered off at the last second. I got to see its underbelly and chest and wide-stretched fluttering wings up close. Bliss and joy!)

I let all emotions pass through me. I don’t resist whatever comes up, and therefore it doesn’t become stuck inside me. I say yes to frustration. I accept it for what it is and move on.

How does one move on from frustration? Accepting a situation for what it is and that I may be powerless to change anything about it, except maybe my attitude.

My husband and I are moving to North Carolina. That is our intent, anyway. We have put our house and home of 35 years on the market. Such a beautiful home! Why hasn’t anyone made an offer? What if the house hasn’t sold by the time my husband’s employer finds a replacement for him? What then?

Ah, future worries. And these are big life worries. It is appropriate to have anxiety and fear. But these feelings are not the only ones present. Gratefulness for this wonderful house in which we have raised two glorious children who are now extraordinary adults lives in my heart as well. Trust in the process, in the lessons of life. Patience for the changes that take time. These attitudes make room in my heart for joy and bliss, so fear and anxiety flow downstream.

Life is in constant flow. When water gets blocked by an obstruction, it pools, grows still, and becomes stagnant. To remove the obstruction, don’t resist whatever emotion or thought arises. Accept it, explore it, and let it go.

Accepting loosens the obstruction’s grip. Perhaps your own mind and heart are obstructions. Let go. Relax. Let the current flow.

May you find deep beauty and contentment in your being and soul today, even if only for a moment.


Neither afraid of the world, nor making the world afraid,
They are free from greed, anger, and fear.

When the waves of self-will subside
Into the peace that is the Self,
The mind becomes still, the heart pure,
And illumination comes to us in this very life.

"The Lamp of Wisdom" from Yoga Vasishtha