Connection and Love

Connection is what I want.

Connection with Spirit, connection with my heart and soul, connection with you, my loved ones. You are all out there, with your hearts and minds, thoughts, worries, fears, and insecurities. Just like me.

Even at my darkest times, I was determined to survive, to find myself, to live, to get out of the pain and suffering. Even when I felt lost for long periods, I never gave up. Even when I felt worthless, I hoped in that spark of goodness.

Today, I thrive and thrill in this life, in the splendor of it, in the wildness of my heart and soul.

Self-realization and Thou. Steeping in divinity with every breath, every heartbeat. That is our reality, whether we realize it or not.

Never give up on yourself. Never give up on your hopes and dreams. The dream of self-love can be a reality. Believe it. You are worth defending, worth striving for. You are golden and precious.

Even if you can only entertain the thought of self-love and hope someday to feel it is true, do so. With time you will know it to be true, know it with all your heart. You will connect with yourself with acceptance and love. You will become your own best friend. And then you can be a great friend to others. You will find connection and love everywhere.

Isn’t that what we all desire? Connection and love?

Life leads the thoughtful person on a path of many windings. 
Now the course is checked, now it runs straight again. 
Here winged thoughts may pour freely forth in words, 
There the heavy burden of knowledge must be shut away in silence.
But when two people are at one in their inmost hearts, they shatter even the strength of iron and bronze.
And when two people understand each other in their inmost hearts, 
Their words are sweet and strong, like the fragrance of orchids.

-- Confucius from The I Ching, T'ung Jên, Fellowship with Men