What is your overall primary spiritual goal in life? Mine is to enjoy being me. To embrace my likes and dislikes, to express myself through words, deeds, and actions, to live with carefree abandon, but also with disciplined reserve. To enjoy being me means not worrying about what other people think of me because it’s none of my business. It means knowing where I stand with myself and God. It means loving myself and being kind to and having compassion for others.
But in the moment, my primary spiritual goal changes. Let’s say I have just closed my book, turned out the light and snuggled into my pillow when a financial concern pops into my head. Instead of following that thought down the rabbit hole, I remind myself of my primary spiritual goal at that moment, which is resting and going to sleep.

We are swimming in divine essence all of the time…
Here’s another example of a present moment spiritual goal. I was looking for a receipt in the kitchen garbage. It was very messy, and I did not enjoy the task. Not finding it, I decided to change the garbage. At first, impatient with the chore, I reminded myself, this is my primary spiritual goal at this moment, changing the garbage. We are swimming in divine essence all of the time, so it doesn’t matter what we do as long as we do it mindfully.
And then I spent a very enjoyable day doing all the things I’ve been wanting to do for weeks — pulling weeds, digging up invasive plants, sweeping the patio, trimming the hedges, pruning the crab apple tree, followed by a shower and Zooming with my women friends from Chicago, my beloved women’s Moon Group with whom I’ve celebrated ritual with for the past thirty years. I enjoyed being me today. I enjoyed my Self. I enjoyed my Life and God’s creation of which I am a part. What more could I ask for?