Once again, even though it’s already won a prize, I am dithering over my memoir — how to get it right, to say what I want to say. My spirit guides say, Just write, Polly; we will help you. And what is it that I want to say? That we all come from dark places, and some of us struggle to survive and thankfully do, and that it is possible to not only thrive but soar.
I don’t know if anyone else will be interested in such a story that starts so dark but gradually, tediously, slowly gets better. Recovery and healing take time. One must be patient to survive and thrive on this green Earth. We are so complicated, so faithless at times, so ornery and selfish and mean. But God shows us compassion and love. How do I know? Because I have a magnificent body with lungs to take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide that feeds the trees, and they, in return, give me oxygen. Because I have feet and bones that take me places, high up in the hills where I can view misty mountains in the distance, sometimes cloud-covered, sometimes smoky, other times serene and dark and soft.

Reliance on a Higher Power is what has healed me.
Reliance on a Higher Power is what has healed me. That energy of love and compassion and higher resonance runs through my veins and pulls me up out of my own muck and mire. I love the mystery; I don’t understand it, but I want it like water. I am thirsty for this abundant Divine Energy all around me. I thirst and thirst when I am afraid and lonely and uncertain. Humans can be so vicious, so sick, so weak. I need God’s strength to get by, to survive. I need God’s love and compassion and brilliance to be who I want to be, to be who I Am.
"Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed." -- Genesis 19:17