Today, I call on Quan Yin, goddess of compassion, kindness, and mercy, to be me guide, to slow my breathing and be present with me as I meditate. She is my replacement for the years, the decades of doubting and second guessing myself. I let her be for me. I let her think and meditate for me. I am saturated in presence, in this moment of goodness and wholeness. I feel the Qi — life force energy, pouring through me, circulating all around me. I feel my Qi, this gift of the universe of which I am a part, not separate. It.
Even if I slip into second guessing myself today, I know it isn’t important; it doesn’t matter because Qi — life force energy is all there is.
Worry all you like. It doesn’t matter. You could be enjoying instead in blissful awareness how splendid Life is.
Sure, there is heartache, suffering, war, death, cruelty, pain, sadness, despair, grief. All of that.
But there is also love, compassion, kindness, devotion, mercy. I will choose today to focus on these qualities.
May I accept the kindness, compassion, and mercy that is in my heart and all around me. May I accept the possibility of kindness, the essence and potential of it. May I be it.
So mote it be.

“There is no right or wrong path. There is only the path that you choose. Whatever you choose, there will be many opportunities for you to grow and expand.”
Attributed to Quan Yin