Gratefulness washes over me at odd times. I was standing at the kitchen sink looking out the window at my neighbor’s car, and suddenly gratefulness flooded me — that I was standing, that I could see this silver Ford sedan, that the sun was shining, that the leaves hanging over the carport were shaking in the breeze, that I could breathe, that I was alive!
I love these sudden intense feelings of gratitude that take me by surprise for the simplest of things.
And then there is you, complex and wonderful. I am grateful for you.
Much love,
The Possibility of Possibility
Cultivating presence helps me feel grounded. Perspective helps me feel more grace, and more grateful. Regaining a sense of possibility flows readily from these states and actually happen in short measure. But it is such a pleasure to pause for presence and perspective that I usually try to take my time.
The practice of grateful living is an end in itself.
Wake Up Grateful–The Transformative Practice of Taking Nothing for Granted, by Kristi Nelson