You Are That, Dear One

The journey to intimacy with others is fraught with detours and danger zones and so worth navigating through them. If we can get through painful conversations without turning away, we may get to the other side feeling worthy, heard, cherished, and loved.

In our recent Lotus Group: Talking About Shame, one member used trigger words that were very hurtful to other members. We talked about the feelings of shame and anger for us personally around those words. It was uncomfortable. One member wanted to leave and never come back, but that member stayed. We talked about our shame in the moment, that very real, very present current feeling amongst us.

In the end, no one turned away. People felt heard and seen and came back the following week. For these conversations are all about deep connections to one another, connection to life in the moment, and for me, a deep faith and trust in God. I believe that’s what God wants for us, to be present, to show up as who we are in difficult times for one another, to help each other through the morass of our pain, some of it shared. This is how we change the world.

I don’t have all the answers and only know what is right for me. How I feel is most likely how others are feeling as well. I base group safety on guidance from Spirit and sharing guidelines, like using “I” statements as much as possible and gentle reminders when the vague, general “you” is used, by requesting that participants refrain from frequent swearing, by using respectful and caring language even when describing a painful experience (it can be done), by not using graphic details that may be triggering and painful to others. This, too, is possible.

The group felt shame, but we worked through it. We were there for one another, and we were there the following week, too.

And we can be there for you. Join us.

 You Are That
 As by knowing one lump of clay, dear one,
 We come to know all things made out of clay—
 That they differ only in name and form,
 While the stuff of which all are made is clay;
 As by knowing one gold nugget, dear one,
 We come to know all things made out of gold—
 That they differ only in name and form,
 While the stuff of which all are made is gold.
 As by knowing one tool of iron, dear one,
 We come to know all things made of iron—
 So through spiritual wisdom, dear one,
 We come to know that all of life is one.
 As bees suck nectar from many a flower
 And make their honey one, so that no drop
 Can say, “I am from this flower or that,”
 All creatures, though one, know not they are that One.
 There is nothing that does not come from her.
 of everything she is the inmost Self.
 She is the truth; she is the Self supreme.
 You are that, dear one; you are that.
 As the rivers flowing east and west
 Merge in the sea and become one with it,
 Forgetting they were ever separate streams,
 So do all creatures lose their separateness
 When they merge at last into pure Being.
 There is nothing that does not come from him. 
 Of everything he is the inmost Self
 He is the truth; He is the Self supreme.
 You are that, dear one; you are that! 
 --The Chandogya Upanishad

Drenched in God’s Love

Today is Father’s Day. I’m going to walk my two dogs before it rains. I hope it’s a deluge. The parched earth so severely needs one.

I hope all of you feel drenched in the goodness of God’s love and that you embrace the beauty of your Self. No matter how much pain you are in, love yourself, accept all that is you—your pain, your shame, your mistakes, your boldness, your perseverance, your resilience, your big beautiful Self.

May you be filled with loving-kindness forever and always.

"I have attempted to share a way of seeing that allows you to recognize who you are and see the gift you are here to give. That is the art of possibility. It reveals the story you came to live. It is the possibility that wants to be born through you. It is living and being lived at the same time."

-- Higher Self-Expression--How to Become an Artist of Possibility, page 196 by Jeff Carreira

Accepting Who You Are

What if we lived like oak trees? God plants the seed of Self, and we watch ourselves bloom and grow. More often, we humans worry so much about who we are, we can’t enjoy ourselves and our lives. Who am I? What should I be doing? Instead of incessantly asking these questions, what if you let yourself be without expectation. What if you are already perfectly you? The answer, of course, is that you can’t be anything but perfectly you because that’s who you are!

I have often thought I should be other than who I am, thinking “shoulds” will make me better. I should be famous for my_____. Fill in the blank: for my music, my writing, my painting, my social work, my activism, whatever your “should” happens to be. You should be something other or more than you are. But that is your vision, not God’s. The oak tree never says, “I am not big enough, strong enough, tall enough.” No, the oak tree is what it is, and we are what we are.

Why not accept ourselves as we are today in this very moment. Perhaps that is weak, vulnerable, frightened, embarrassed, shameful. If that is how we feel, that is who we are in that moment. “I am frightened. I am angry.”

Once we do that—accept who we are, we loosen, we let go of our “shoulds” because there is no resistance to what is. We accept the moment, and it changes. The branches of our oak tree sway in the wind; our oak tree moves in its solid beingness.

I wish for you to be grateful for who you are. Grateful for yourself. Grateful for all the shame, fear, joy, and bliss you embody because they are you. You don’t have to try to be anything. Accept what you are and who you are now. Acceptance opens the way for what is to be. Wait and watch the unfolding.

Blessed be.

Only God I Saw

....Like a candle I was melting in his fire:
Amidst the flames outflashing -- only God I saw.

Myself with mine eyes I saw most clearly.
But when I looked with God's eyes -- only God I saw....

                                                           --Baba Kuhi of Shiraz

Fall in Love

“Thank you” and “I love you.” These are my two favorite prayers. Thank you for this precious state of being, for awareness and consciousness. I love You who gives it.

I am in love with God. I am in love with myself. That’s what we need to do—fall in love with ourselves, with God, so that we treat ourselves and one another with kindness, patience, and tolerance. Fall in love with our imperfections and grace. Fall in love. Fall in love. Fall in love.

That is all for today. And quite enough.

Blessed be.

 Living on Love
 Living on love is banishing every fear,
 Every memory of past thoughts.
 I see no imprint of my sins.
 In a moment love has burned everything…
 Divine Flame, O sweet Blaze!
 I make my home in your hearth.
 In your fire I gladly sing:
     “I live on Love!...”
 Living on love is keeping within oneself
 A great treasure in an earthen vase.
 My Beloved, my weakness is extreme.
 Ah, I’m far from being an angel from heaven!
 But if I fall with each passing hour,
 You come to my aid, lifting me up.
 At each moment you give me your grace:
     I live on Love.
           --Saint Thérèse of Lisieux