Somehow sexters, people who send explicit sex-related texts, have gotten hold of my cell phone number. Two or three times a day, I get text messages from these people or this person. I’m reasonably sure it’s the same entity each time. I don’t know if it’s an individual or a room of people hired to send these texts like mass spammers. The first time I received such a text, I felt violated and enraged. How dare they! How did this happen? I took it personally, not realizing there’s nothing personal about it. My phone number is on a list, that’s all.
There’s no way for me to get off this list unless I change my number, which I’m not about to do. So instead, every time I get a text, while I’m swiping the red delete banner, I send a prayer to that person and bless them, hoping their distorted, confused hearts and souls will open to divine love and heal. It may not happen in this lifetime, but I don’t want to add to their misery by cursing them.
Once, I, too, was blind, but now I see.
Thank you, God.
So the next time you feel powerless over the careless actions of another person, try praying and blessing that person instead of cursing them. It’s an opportunity to spread love in some small way. And who knows, maybe it’s a critical way, in the end.
“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I’m found;
Was blind, but now I see.”