Self-love hasn’t come easy for me. What I felt for years was self-hatred; hatred for the pain I felt, the shame I experienced, the things I’d said and done, or the things that were said and done to me. But that feeling, that attitude thankfully changed. How? By embracing the pain, embracing the shame, the fear, by looking at each and all those painful feelings deep within myself, and not flinching. Easily said. Hard to do.
I will share a bit of how I came to believe in myself, and the things that helped me, things like readings, spiritual exercises, people, and so on, plus some of the struggles and setbacks I’ve had on the journey to self-love. But one thing I’ve never done is give up. I never gave up on myself. A solid nugget deep inside me was good, though buried and hidden. I wanted to find it and believe in it. And I did. You can, too. Just have faith that it is there. Have faith that you will find it.
“But one thing I’ve never done is give up. I never gave up on myself. “

And a word of note.
This is definitely and foremost a spiritual blog. It is not my intention to proselytize any particular denomination or religion. My feeling is that they all have something to offer. And to be completely transparent, as of this writing I don’t belong to, or attend any kind of house of worship other than my own meditation corner of my bedroom, and the moment by moment walks in this life with the God of my understanding and my spiritual guides.
And with that said — welcome!